Stop comparing yourself to others & forget what people think.


Fall is probably my favorite season


In life, you have to master the art of letting go or else everything will hold you back.

Hey! Uploading new photos right now! Also I just got back from a really nice six mile run on my new favorite trails so I'm feeling s
Today I ventured to Rotary Gardens, a beautiful 20 acre flower garden in Janesville. I spent 2 hours there and took 174 pictures! Unfortunately, I was using a camera I wasn't used to and many of them turned out blurry. However, I will be posting the few that are noteworthy tomorrow. Here is one of them! 

Next summer, with my license, is gonna be a blast.


Getting home has never felt so nice. Now back to working out & hanging at the pool side with my friends.


Okay. These alien stories are freaking me out. I think either they are real or someone somewhere is just sitting back laughing at our innocence.


Yes, I've been gone. I'm sorry. School & track came into full swing & my full attention was required there. But now I am up and ready to post!

Hey. I guess I took a small break from this website. But I have more pictures to upload of my flowers. It's almost summer everyone! And I can wait to go to Rock Lake with my friends and family. I am not really looking forward to all that basketball nonsense that I'm doing though. Anyways life right now is pretty good, I have fun and laugh a lot everyday. I wish that I could have more parties but it's whatever.