We people say they're good photographers, I raise an eyebrow. Today, it isn't the good quality of the picture so much as it is the subject and the light used.
Not enjoying the way they cut down all those trees. It's like I'm in a different neighborhood. Take me back to Limerick Lane, please. You know, the road with all the trees?
I'm actually really proud of myself. I am afraid to be, though, because I hate bragging.
I'm going to go take some pictures of flowers outside & upload them! Yay it is finally spring time in the North.
It really offends me when someone insults a book I like.
Maybe it's not
Getting to the finish line first
Not getting the fame
Or even the PR

The race

Maybe it is
For the team
For doing good
A victory for everyone

The race
I want to be someone's hero




Finding a 3 page note your friend wrote you >